History is associated with everyone. As civil service optional subject it has gained importance due to following reasons.

  • It is scoring and interesting.
  • One of the topics of essay is directly from this area.
  • Covers Most of topics of GS PAPER –I

In nutshell, scoring very high marks in history is not difficult provided line of preparation IS methodical. Paper I cover History of India and Art and Culture and paper II History of Modern India, Indian National Movement and World history. Given the scope and nature OF THE History SUBJECT, any aspirant can do excellent in optional as well IN GS and ESSAY papers.

ONLINE Course Features:

  • Comprehensive coverage of syllabus – 250+ hrs
  • Complete coverage of Paper 1 and Paper 2
  • Comprehensive and Up-to-date study material on all topics
  • Student can student can tag video and watch them later
  • Student can access these videos on their mobile also

How to Access Pen Drive?

  • Students need to install the software once only
  • No multiple login
  • Classes can be viewed on single device only (Laptop/Desktop) only

Admission Process:

The process of buying Pen Drive course is as follows.

  • Fill the Registration Form
  • Pay Online or Offline through given options
  • Submit Your Payment Details at
    given format

Fee Details (Including GST):

Rs. 25,000

Bank Name: ICICI Bank
Account Name: Dhyeya Nurture
Account No.: 113005500443
IFSC Code: ICIC0001130
  • Note: Student can convert their online admission to offline batch.*(Term and Condition Apply)